Title: The Day the Crayons Came Home Author: Drew Daywalt, Oliver Jeffers, Genre: Juvenile Fiction Publisher: Penguin Release Date: August 18, 2015 Pages: 32 THE DAY THE CRAYONS CAME HOME Drew Daywalt (Author), Oliver Jeffers (Illustrator) Do you know who Esteban…..The Magnificent is?? Neither did I till I read this book. Like its […]
THE DAY THE CRAYONS QUIT – Drew Daywalt (Author), Oliver Jeffers (Illustrator) My whole family loves this book. I find this book hilarious and my 9 and 6-year-old find it soo funny that they can’t stop laughing. Technically a picture book, it will make you laugh no matter what age you are. The story is […]
Flourless Black Bean Chocolate Muffins
I don’t know about your kids but the moment mine come home instead of the question “What’s for Lunch??” it’s usually “What’s for Dessert??”. I don’t blame them since they do not get many sweet treats.Besides there are times when I too could enjoy a sweet treat which does not add extra tires to my body (I am currently happy with […]
Camping is our favorite outing. Nothing beats the fresh air and being close to nature. My kids love playing in the water so we try to find campsites near the beach. Carpinteria is our all time favorite campsite. Due to its location it books way in advance and consider yourself lucky to find a spot at […]