Lately I have been exploring healthier ways to make treats for my whole family which come without the guilty feeling. I usually make things from scratch but that does not mean that I do not keep an eye open for quick options too. Recently there has been a boom in the market with cleaner options […]
Sukoon is an Urdu Language word which means calm, peace, relief, serenity, tranquility, wholeness. Its not a material object, it cannot be weighed, it cannot be named…it can only be felt. Its the most priceless feeling. So expensive…..yet free. Many a men strive their whole life trying to taste a morsel of it but still remain […]
When you are in a rush and have no “real” food on hand, the drive thru is your best friend. But with only a little bit of planning and some basic skills (almost no skills) you can have some good options. One such option is this Mixed Bean Soup which is yummy and hearty and is good […]
With my current routine its hard to cook everyday. As a result my family was being heavily dependent on take out. Not only was it becoming expensive but also eating processed food was having a negative effect on our bodies. I needed to come up with a game plan. “Weekly Cooking” Once I knew it was the […]